Benefits of Farm-Based Preschool in Bend, Oregon

Engaging preschoolers in farming activities can provide a range of educational and developmental benefits. Here are several advantages of incorporating farming experiences into early childhood education:

1. Hands-On Learning:

Farming allows preschoolers to participate in hands-on learning experiences. Planting seeds, tending to crops, and caring for animals provide tangible and sensory-rich activities that enhance their understanding of the natural world.

2. Science Exploration:

Farming activities introduce preschoolers to basic scientific concepts such as plant growth, life cycles, and the impact of weather. Observing seeds sprout, plants grow, and animals develop fosters a foundational understanding of biology and ecology.

3. Cultivating Responsibility:

Caring for plants and animals teaches preschoolers about responsibility and empathy. They learn that living things depend on proper care, fostering a sense of duty and nurturing behavior.

4. Connecting to Nature:

Farming activities allow preschoolers to connect with nature in a meaningful way. Exploring the outdoors, feeling soil, and interacting with plants and animals contribute to a sense of wonder and appreciation for the environment.

5. Healthy Eating Habits:

Involvement in farming introduces preschoolers to the concept of growing and harvesting their own food. This firsthand experience can positively influence their attitudes toward fresh, healthy foods, encouraging a preference for nutritious options.

6. Fine and Gross Motor Skills Development:

Planting seeds, digging in the soil, and handling small farm tools contribute to the development of fine motor skills. Outdoor activities such as walking on uneven terrain and carrying buckets of water support the development of gross motor skills.

7. Social Interaction and Teamwork:

Farming often involves collaboration and teamwork. Preschoolers learn to work together, share responsibilities, and communicate effectively as they engage in various farming tasks.

8. Mathematical Concepts:

Farming naturally incorporates mathematical concepts such as counting seeds, measuring soil, and observing growth over time. These activities provide a practical context for early math skills development.

9. Sensory Exploration:

Farming engages multiple senses, including touch, smell, and sight. Preschoolers explore different textures of soil, smell the aroma of plants, and observe vibrant colors in nature, contributing to sensory-rich learning experiences.

10. Fostering Curiosity and Inquiry:

Farming activities ignite preschoolers' curiosity and encourage them to ask questions about the natural world. Teachers can leverage this curiosity to guide discussions and further enrich their understanding of science and the environment.

11. Environmental Awareness:

Farming experiences promote environmental awareness by helping preschoolers understand the importance of sustainable practices, such as composting and water conservation, to care for the Earth.

By integrating farming into preschool education, children will be exposed to a holistic learning environment that addresses various developmental domains and sets the stage for a lifelong appreciation of nature and the food production process.

For more information on the benefits of outdoor play for children, please visit


Embracing Nature: Outdoor Education in Bend, Oregon